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Max Damage 15
Blow Torch F7
Like the Drill, the Blow Torch is best used for hiding Worms underground,
although the Blow Torch can be used to cut through the landscape towards
enemy Worms where the upward motion is usually enough to knock the Worm
skyward, (especially useful when enemy Worms are on the waters edge).
It can also be used on Worms with low energy (under 15 points) to make a
kill. We don't really recommend this tactic though, as the dead Worm can
quite easily land next to your own Worm and injure him with the
self-destruction blast.
This weapon is also used to reach better areas for players who are unlucky
enough to start the game in a dangerous place.
Max Damage 15
Drill F7 x2
A common attack method with the Drill is to trap an enemy Worm before
drilling downwards, getting multiple hits off the enemy Worm - a
high-damage move if performed correctly. Also useful for drilling down
through the landscape onto Worms heads, as well as being a great tool for
getting away from the surface of the landscape.
Pssst! Secret Cheat! The Drill can be used in mid-air, this causes the
Worm to slide across the landscape into any enemy Worms. It's not the
most effective move ever, but a cool move to see.
Girder F7 x3
A good use of the Girder is as a way of building bases for Worms to hide
under, usually before Sudden Death is about to start. Some sick people even
use the Girder as a way of imprisoning enemy Worms! We also use Girders as a
way of getting Worms to higher ground when the water starts rising in Sudden
Max Damage 30
Baseball Bat F7 x4
The best use of the Baseball Bat is to hit the enemy Worm off the landscape
into the water. The Baseball Bat is capable of a great distance when used
correctly. It is also possible to use the Baseball Bat to hit Land Mines
into enemy Worms, or just hit them around generally if you like that sort
of thing.
Ninja Rope F8
This tool is something all W2 players need to master if they wish to get
anywhere in the game. Once mastered, there is nowhere on the landscape a
skilled player cannot reach with their trusty Ninja Rope. A good idea would
be to try experimenting with weapons whilst on the Ninja Rope, along with
the new 'mid-air rope-repeat' feature.
One of the best Ninja Rope tricks, (and I stand to get a good kicking from
the rest of QA for telling you this), is to jump and fire the Ninja Rope
straight into the ground, pushing your worm up vertically. Mastering this
trick will open up the game to a whole new style of play - Not one Worm on
the level will be safe from you!
Another good Ninja Rope trick is to hoist yourself up to the ceiling of a
cavern, then whilst still on the rope, place a Girder underneath you. The
worm will then drop onto the Girder giving him an excellent advantage above
the rest of the Worms.
Bungee F8 x2
The best bet for players wanting to become experts, would be to practice
the art of building up speed whilst springing on the Bungee rope. Then once
you have enough speed built up, let go of the rope, thus throwing yourself
to a new destination on the landscape. This is a very tricky move normally
only used my the W2 masters, like us...
Also make sure that when the Worm lets go of the rope, there is not too
much of a drop or else your turn will end.
Parachute F8 x3
Useful when dropping off a rope or as an alternative to the Bungee.
Remember that you can drop weapons from your Worm whilst using the
Parachute. Try to master the trick of dropping weapons from the Parachute
making your Worm an 'aerial bomber', the sort of trick people watching W2
love to see.
Teleport F8 x4
The Teleport is a good method of collecting crates that may be out of reach
to you. But when using the Teleport it is vital that players plan a move
ahead, many people teleport onto a crate, un-aware that they have placed
themselves directly in the line of fire - picking up a crate is no good if
you're just going to get blown apart on your opponents next turn!
Max Damage 75
Super Banana F9
Although looking like your standard Banana Bomb, this one has the added
bonus of manual detonation. Just press the spacebar after you have thrown
it, and shower your enemies in 'soft fruit'.
A truly devastating weapon, there are 2 main ways of using this awesome
piece of 'soft fruit'. First there is the old trick of throwing the Super
Banana into the air, pressing the space bar and letting the Bananas drop
into enemy territory, then with another press of the space bar, taking them
all out!
Another method is as follows. Throw the Super Banana into an opponent, as
soon as the Super Banana nears the enemy, press the space bar twice, (very
quickly), sending the enemy Worm flying into orbit at high speed. (I have
seen this trick take off over 350 energy from a Worm!)
Max Damage 100
Holy Hand Grenade F9 x2
Unleash the power of the heavens with the Lords preferred weapon. This is a
3 second (no more, no less) low bounce grenade that will only explode on
The most important thing to remember, is that this weapon will not explode
until it has come to a total stop. Also it is advisable to make sure that
you are as far away from where the Holy Hand Grenade is going to explode as
possible. This weapon causes one big blast! The Holy Hand Grenade is best
used on enemy Worms that are stuck in a hole or crater.
Max Damage 30
Salvation Army F9 x3
Ever wondered about the explosive power of the Salvation Army tambourines?
Wonder no more, here is the chance to test out your theory.
The Salvation Army lady (if you could call her that) is set about her
duties by a single press of the spacebar, once you feel she is in the
place best suited for her, errrrm, explosive abilities, another press of
the Space Bar will send forth vast quantities of deadly tambourines. Each
tambourine causes a massive explosion so be warned, don't let the Salvation
Army come knocking at your door (well don't say we didn't warn you!). All
in all, just be careful when using this weapon, in the right situation this
lady can win matches, in the wrong situation she can cause tears.
MB Bomb F9 x4
The MB Bomb is a lightweight balloon filled with more explosive than a
rampant Worm can shake a stick at - sporting a face modeled on our very own
Martyn Brown (or 'Spadge' as he's known as in the world of Worms), packing
more blast than a stick of dynamite, this is no ordinary bomb.
The MB Bomb is aimed and fired the same way as the Airstrike, don't forget
to take into account that the MB Bomb is strongly affected by the wind -
you don't want to see this hitting one of your own Worms as it packs one
heck of a punch!
[ goodies | weapons guide ] |
Can you do battle with the Bazooka? Think you've mastered the art of the Mine? Reckon you can cut it with the
Cluster Bomb? Well read on - the official Team17 weapon guide might just unearth a few tricks and tactics you'd
not yet thought of.
Team17 QA give you the benefit of their wealth of Worm-warfare experience. So here it is, the official Worms 2
Weapon Guide brought to you by Worms veteran Kelvin Aston, lead tester on Worms 2.
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