[ goodies | tips | Commander Davidson's Alternative Theories ] |
Heed the advice of none other than Andy Davidson, the creator of
Worms, as he presents to you his Wormer's Guide
Choosing good names for your Worms is VERY important. A good Worm name will
strike fear into enemy Worms - Joanna Lumley being a good example. Some people,
however, get scared when asked to name their Worms and resort to the EVIL 1,2,3,4
team - these people should be shouted at very loudly.
A bad Worm name though can make life very difficult for your team - like the
person who decided to have DANNY BAKER on their team. Danny was far too tempting
a target for everyone else, resulting in a hunting game until he was dead - nobody
has Danny Baker on their team anymore...
You're not my father...
The Dark Side of Worms playing, used by only a few, can be very annoying to those who
play a very violent game. Someone you know may have Dark Side tendencies - these are
the tell-tale signs...
- Excessive use of the Blow Torch
- Teleporting Worms into remote places like Croydon
- Slapping Girders down everywhere
- Naming Worms after US presidents or letters of the alphabet
If this type of play makes you physically sick, you can either change the Weapon Options
to limit the use of Blow Torch and Girders, or you can use the preferred method - PERSECUTE
THEM! This involves everyone else declaring a truce until the Dark Side Worms have been
removed. Once this has been achieved the game carries on as normal.
The force
This is something Dark Side players just can't do. Using the Force involves hitting an
enemy Worm who's atleast a screen away, without scrolling the screen to see where he is.
Once you can do this, you have reached a higher level of WORMS playing.
60 Seconds? Change it!
Once you've got the hang of WORMS, change the move time to 30 seconds and the round
time to 15 minutes.
Max Damage 50
Bazooka F1
This is the Swiss Army Knife of weapons, having many different uses. What separates
the good from the bad, though, is being able to use the wind. When there is strong
wind, firing straight up and letting the wind take it is known as an OVER-SHOULDER-BOULDER.
Hitting a Worm with one of these shots is well worth activating smug-mode for.
Other good uses for the Bazooka are dislodging Mines and close-up over-the-top
Max Damage 50
Homing Missile F1 x2
If you've got a lot of will-power it is best to save these for Sudden Death.
But for most people if you've got 'em, you've got to use 'em. The best times
to use Homing Missiles are when lots of worms are on the edge of a cliff, or
a load of Worms are standing near a load of Mines.
If you're feeling confident, use the WHEEL OF FORTUNE shot. Target the Homing
Missile in the open air, and let fate decide...
Max Damage 50
Grenade F2
Grenades are better for long-range shots, as they are not affected by the
wind. Once you've got the power right, you can keep doing roughly the same
shot. As Cluster Bombs and Banana Bombs are thrown in the same way, use
Grenades to gauge the power/angle required and then lob one of the better
Max Damage 30
Cluster Bomb F2 x2
In general use these instead of Grenades if you have them, as you stand more
chance of hitting. It is best to save a few for Sudden Death though...
Max Damage 75
Banana Bomb F2 x3
Or the 'How to win a game with only one Worm left' weapon. The Soft Fruit of
Doom is the most powerful weapon in the game and if you do get one, wasting
it can be very embarassing. To avoid this, use Grenades to judge the range
before unleashing the Bananas. Air bursts are also very effective - use a 1
or 2 second fuse and lob it full power across the screen.
Max Damage 25
Shotgun F3
Best used for finishing off crippled Worms, especially when you have a whole
family of them to shoot. More cunning uses of the Shotgun are blasting holes
in the scenery to allow your Worm to walk through and kill an unsuspecting
member of the royal family. Smug shots with the Shotgun are long-range sniper
shots, hitting Worms over a screen length away. Other good uses are dislodging
Mines and shooting the bridge out from under other Worms.
Uzi F3 x3
Save it for those special occasions - a close-up assasination of a
particularly disliked worm. The Uzi is most effective when the victim
is pinned against a wall - laugh as they're spun around
Max Damage 30
Fire Punch F4
Most common use is for walking up to enemy Worms and wacking them into
the water. Variations on this are wacking them into a load of Mines, or
off the side of the screen. Cunning uses are using it to cut through the
land and hit Worms on the top. Double Fire Punches are possible by hitting
one Worm on the ground and the second Worm when your in the air. You can
also use Fire Punches to collect Weapon Crates.
Max Damage 30
Dragon Ball F4 x2
Use it when a Fire Punch wouldn't send the Worm far enough across the
screen, or when you don't want to move your Worm next to the enemy. A
very cunning use of the Dragonball is to knock a Mine with one. This
is very useful on bridges.
Max Damage 50
Kamikaze F4 x3
Not just a weapon of last resort, Kamikaze has many devious uses. The most
common use is to strip a bridge of all it's Worms. More cunning is to hit
Worms in their tunnels by judging the distance so your Worm explodes right
on them. It your Worm punches a Worm and explodes at the same time it will
do about 80 damage, as well as sending the enemy worm into orbit. Kamikaze-ing
through a hill to knock a Worm off the other side is also rather good. Mines
can be used as air-brakes to stop your Worm, so if you are really cunning
you can have all the benefits of Kamikaze without the nasty side-effects
of death. You can also pick up Weapon Crates whilst Kamikaze-ing.
Prod F4 x4
A legend in it's own lifetime, the Prod move is easily the most sarcastic
way of killing an enemy Worm. The more experienced the enemy Worm, the
On the Amiga the Prod move is not available in any shops, you can only do
it by doing this combination of moves (in the best Mortal Kombat tradition)
:: Get next to your victim and press AWAY, AWAY, TOWARDS, TOWARDS (in other
words, if your Worm is facing right press left, left, right, right)
Max Damage 75
Dynamite F5
As well as using it to make a mess of a load of Worms, you can also use it to
propel Worms up and over things by dropping it on their nose or the back of
their head. It can also by dropped on Worms from a great height. It's also
worth remembering that the Dynamite doesn't have to be dropped on a Worm to
kill it, if it is already crippled - you can drop the Dynamite some distance
away and still kill it. This is useful in Sudden Death when playing against
the Dark Side as you can drop the Dynamite in the tunnels where their Worm
Max Damage 50
Mine F5 x2
Although intended for protecting your tunnels, most people use it as a less
powerful, fluffier Dynamite. Careful positioning of the Mine can result in
exploding hats, scarves and turtles!
Max Damage 75
Sheep F5 x3
Sheep like running and jumping - remember this. You can help a Sheep do this
by building Sheep ramps out of Girders. A well-built Sheep ramp resembles one
of those charity donation things which you dropped a penny in and watched it
roll down to the bottom. Sheep are also a useful weapon against the Dark Side,
able to infiltrate their tunnel networks with ease. One other feature of Sheep
is that they have extremely large pockets and can pick up Weapon Crates on their
Max Damage 30
Air Strike F6
Punish enemy Worms by burning them with an Air Strike. This is the Dark Side's
favourite weapon as they can be underground in a tunnel and still use it.
Very effective on bridges, but more useful if you save it for the end of a
Max Damage 15
Blow Torch F7
The tool of the Dark Side. Over-use is dangerous, but a cunning use is to Blow
Torch through a tree, hitting a Worm on the other side and sending him to his
doom. Can also be used to pick up Weapon Crates.
Max Damage 15
Drill F7 x2
This can leave your Worm open to abuse from above, but it is useful for
infiltrating enemy tunnels. The cleverest use of the drill though, is to
drill through a bridge and land on a Worm's head, spinning him off into
the water. Like the Blow Torch, you can also pick up Weapon Crates.
Girder F7 x3
Another tool of the Dark Side. They use it to trap Worms in tunnels or trap
them against trees. Much more interesting uses of Girders are building Sheep
ramps, placing them to swing from, stopping your Worms falling off cliffs into
the water, and building small houses. If someone is building a house, wait until
they have nearly finished it and then teleport your Worm inside. Squatters can
be very difficult to get out.
Ninja Rope F8
Best left to experienced Worms, such as Agent Copper. As an FBI agent, he was the
first Worm to fully exploit the Ninja Rope, swinging across huge valleys to drop
Dynamite amongst the Four Worms of the Apocalypse. Excessively violent, or stupid
Worms like to throw themselves off the rope at high speed to dislodge other Worms
and send them all into the water.
Skillful use of the rope can make moving round the landscape alot easier. 'Martyn's
Pull-In/Release Technique'(TM) involves pulling the rope in as you release your worm.
This will get your Worm up and over things, and get gasps of amazement from the watching
crowd. A not-so-exciting, but alot easier way of using the Ninja Rope is to just extend
it over long distances so your Worm just ends up sitting on the ground before releasing
it. While swinging you can also pick up Weapon Crates.
Bungee F8 x2
Best used to attack Crevice Girls. Girders can also be used first to make a landing
platform. Like the Ninja Rope, you can pick up Weapon Crates whilst swinging.
Teleport F8 x4
Good players use it to move their Worms to the high ground and better attacking
positions. Members of the Dark Side use it to stuff their Worms up small crevices
where they can't be hit - call them a CREVICE GIRL if they do. Annoying players
quote lines from Star Trek.
Skip Go F12
Another Dark Side favourite... ZZZZzzzz...
Surrender F12 x2
Just say no..
If all else fails...
Sometimes it is necessary to use 'dubious' tactics, usually to get rid of persistent
Dark Side players.
- Accidently drop the joypad while passing it to them.
- Insult them constantly during the game. This works best if everyone joins in, even if they aren't playing, and will usually result in the Dark Side player storming out.
- Point out that the three-eyed tree is looking more evil than usual. This will un-nerve them, but check that you have a three-eyed tree before trying it.
- Throw various objects at them. This usually starts with pencil's and stuff but can end up with chairs and sharpened Wooden Giraffe's if they don't give in easily.
- Fake serious illness, such as a collapsed lung, if they start doing well.
- Accidently turn the machine off at the mains if they're about to win.
- Throw everyone out of the house - although this can cause problems later if it isn't your house.