patch W2 to v1.5
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This patch automatically updates Worms 2 to the latest version (v1.5). This update includes many in-game, menu and network improvements and features.
The patch is essential in that all players wishing to play over the Internet must have the patch. A message will appear if you are still running an old version and will prompt you to download the patch in order to play. So don't waste any time, download the patch and upgrade your version of Worms 2 NOW!

Patch .exe | 2.8Mb
[ Worms2Patch005 ]
Do I need to patch? Locate the the FRONTEND.EXE file in the Worms 2 directory.
When the large icon view is used, there will be a number visible above the Worms head. If the number is '105' - '107', you DO NOT require the patch.
Alternatively, right-click the file and select Properties for more version information. If the number is '' - '' you DO NOT require the patch.
Trymedia versions do not require the patch.
Trymedia version If you have downloaded and purchased the Trymedia version of the game from the patch IS NOT required. This patch is identical to the one already provided within the Trymedia download.
Note that if you download this patch and apply it to a Trymedia version then the game will request a CD and you will have to re-install the game.
patch help Download by clicking the link above.
This page will reload, displaying the available language versions and download locations.
Click on a location and choose to save the file to your computer.
.zip files need to be extracted using WinZip or similar.
.exe files can be run directly by simply double-clicking.

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