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:: movies ::
[ multimedia | movies | bandit movie | choose location ] |
Bandit Movie .avi | 3.8Mb
[ from Team17 ftp server ]
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Multiple download locations may be listed for this file. This allows you to select a site
closer to you which should give you greater download speed and reliability.
A 'Page cannot be displayed' error means our FTP server is too busy, please try later.
If you login to our FTP server manually with an FTP client you will need to enter ::
username anonymous or ftp
password your email address
If you have problems downloading files, we suggest you retry the download at a time where
there might be less traffic. Please note that we cannot verify the connectivity of files
and servers that are not the property of Team17.
[ multimedia | movies ] |
Got that monster bag of popcorn and jumbo cola at the ready? Good, then sit
back, relax and prepare yourself for one of the side splitting Worms 2 FMV
If you think thes one's are brilliant it's a must to see the rest of them in
the game!
Advert Movie .mov | 1.1Mb
[ advert4 ]
Bandit Movie .avi | 3.64Mb
[ bandit ]
Baseball Movie .avi | 1.17Mb
[ baseball ]
movies help |
Download by clicking the link above.
This page will reload, displaying the available download locations.
Click on a location and choose to save the file to your computer.
.avi/.mov files can be played using Media player or QuickTime.
[ multimedia | movies | stills ] |
Click thumbnails to enlarge
movies help |
View by clicking the required image above.
This page will reload, displaying your selected image.